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Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation

The Nautical Almanac and The Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation (Publication 229) reduce calculations and spherical trigonometry to tables. Your observed measurements with the sextant, combined with data from these tables allow you to obtain the necessary coordinates to plot a Line of Position with some simple addition and subtraction. The Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation consist of three volumes of comprehensive tables of altitude and azimuth designed for the rapid reduction of astronomical sights in the air. This volume (Volume 3), for latitudes 39°−89°, and Vol.

  1. Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation Vol 2
  2. Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation Vol 1

This six-volume series of Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation is designed to facilitate the practice of celestial navigation at sea by the Marcq Saint Hilaire or intercept method. The tabular data are the solutions of the navigational triangle of which two sides and the included angle are known and it is necessary to find the values of. Buy SIGHT REDUCTION TABLES FOR MARINE NAVIGATION - NP 401 (4) - VOLUME 4 - LATITUDES 45-60 by Hydrographer of the Navy (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
These links change with time, so we try to keep them up to date here
(Please let us know if you find broken links.)

Bowditch - American Practical Navigator
Atlas of Pilot Charts
X mirage crack pc game. Chart No. 1
Distances Between Ports
International Code of Signals
NGA List of Lights
Radar Navigation and Maneuvering Board Manual
Radio Navigational Aids
Sailing Directions En route
Sailing Directions Planning Guides
Sight Reduction Tables for Air Navigation (Pub 249)
Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation (Pub 229)
USCG Light List
World Port Index
chart of world magnetic variation
book on compass corrections
Animate 2 for daz studio serial number. more.

The NGA pubs link has a history of wandering around, hence we make a shortcut. Also transient security issues at the link often blocks entry

If the link does not work, try another browser (Firefox seems most robust for this one) or check our article on this link.

Ironic to go to a Navy site and be told the site is not safe! These are glitches, not security issues.

Coast Pilotsfor US Waters

Our portal to nautical chart resouces

Chart No. 1 with single document option. NGA has only parts

Collection of pdfs of old navigation books compiled by NavList members. We also have an extensive set of the orignal printed texts in our Stark Library, including an expanded set of ebooks.

NIMA Navigation Calculators expanded and modified by Starpath

Bowditch Tables for Vertical Sextant Angle Measurements
(calculators are available in the link above)

Distance from Vertical Sextant Angles
Explanation of the Tables

Navigation Rules ebooks and resources
(see bottom of linked page)

Worldwide magnetic variation chart 2010, high res

Also see Geomag, software program for accurate magnetic variation

Magnetic Variation chart

Handbook of Magnetic Compass Adjustment

Work Forms for the Stark Tables for clearing lunar distances
Frank Reed's Precomputed Lunar Distance Tables (user designed)

Lunar Work Forms
1-, 2-, or 3-hr predictions,
includes online Lunar solution

Direct link to celestial navigator's dream page

Temp alternatives till USNO gets back online (maybe end of summer 2020)

Nautical almanac Increments and Corrections valid for any year, from navsoft, but we have our own compilation of this in our online resources if this one goes missing.

Logbook (135 kb pdf) for recording required inspections, drills, and other data. For an actual Navigation logbook see our Sailors Logbook

This link is not consistent with the others; it is also in our marine weather links, but it is too important and it seems maybe too over looked, so we have to stress it whenever we can. We have this archived, so if the link goes missing, let us know.Tropical storm safety and the Mariner's 1-2-3 Rule
Since we are not being consistent, here are a couple more links from our weather resources.

starpath school of navigation, seattle,

Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation Vol 2

Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation

Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation Vol 1

4 volumes: Sight Reduction Tables for Marine Navigation - Publication 229. Produced by the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center of the Department of Defense. All are in excellent condition from a smoke free home. Volume 1: Latitudes 0-15 degrees. Volume 2: latitudes 15-30 degrees. Volume 3: Latitudes 30-45 degrees.

Sight Reduction Tables For Marine Navigation
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